1729 Team Inconceivable!

"We don't think it means what you think it means"

Interested in the team?

You can follow what we are doing through:

If you have questions, want to support us, or just want to know more about the team and program:
Email: info@team1729.org
Phone: 1-603-371-9047 x 311

If you or someone you know is interested in joining please feel free to contact us for more details; trust us it is a great experience! We also offer a program, FIRST Tech Challenge, for students in seventh and eighth grades. Some sixth graders may also find it appropriate.

Even if you have no interest in building and designing robots there are many opportunities equally as important in our club. The best you can do if you might be interested is reach out directly, we love to answer any questions and encourage people to join the program.